Tuesday, September 20, 2011

estate agents david moor::This included threatening on several occasions to withdraw from the deal and sell to someone else, if we did not force our solicitor to exchange contracts on a certain date and then complete 10 days later estate agents david moor

estate agents david moor estate agents david moor::This included threatening on several occasions to withdraw from the deal and sell to someone else, if we did not force our solicitor to exchange contracts on a certain date and then complete 10 days later.
This was deliberate emotional manipulation, knowing how much we wanted the property.
It put us into conflict with our own solicitor, caused us a lot of unwarranted stress and was extremely cruel.
Things that the agent told us were contradicted by what the seller said afterwards.
Furthermore when we decided to sell our property through them they delayed the whole process and changed policy decisions willy nilly to make things difficult for us and to suit them.
They soured relationships with us and made things very personal.
Rather than put the customer first they are more interseted in maintaining profit margins.
Absolutely wasted our time.

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