Tuesday, October 4, 2011

carpet beetle uk::The carpet beetle likes to feed on the carpet fibers and can cause serious damage to them as well as clothing and furniture carpet beetle uk

carpet beetle uk

carpet beetle uk

carpet beetle uk

carpet beetle uk::The carpet beetle likes to feed on the carpet fibers and can cause serious damage to them as well as clothing and furniture.
These carpet beetles are also a common pest in uk buildings such as museums or offices.
There are various types of carpet beetle, including the varied carpet beetle, the furniture carpet beetle.
Carpet beetles may also be attracted to food products such as cereals, pastas or nuts.
Carpet beetles can chew holes in fabrics but will sometimes feed on the nap of the fabric.
In difficult to reach areas around furniture, pet hair may gather and provide food for the carpet beetle also.
The carpet beetle eggs tend to be very small and are difficult to notice and the cocoons are very rarely noticed as they tend to be camouflaged by the surrounding fabric.

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