Saturday, October 1, 2011

carpet grease removal::However it happens, grease is grease and you want it gone carpet grease removal

carpet grease removal

carpet grease removal

carpet grease removal

carpet grease removal::However it happens, grease is grease and you want it gone.
Sprinkle the stain with salt, baking soda, cornstarch or talcum powder to absorb any excess grease and let it stand for 612 hours, then vacuum.
Some stains are tougher than others to remove, but with a little bit of persistence, you should be able to remove it.
Rub shaving cream into the spot with a toothbrush.
Wipe the shaving cream off with a dampened cloth.
Blot with a cold, wet sponge.
If the stain still remains.
Apply drycleaning solvent, then sponge with a clean dampened cloth.
Find out how to remove and other fabrics here.

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