Friday, September 9, 2011

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latin women in tight jeans::However, either sex should be aware that, in this case, the size does matter!
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The move, the first of its kind in the country, sets standards for the clothing, language and overall behaviour of female civil servants during working hours.
Statistics show that about 70 per cent of the staff in the archives system in zhejiang province are female.
Tightfitting clothes are also inappropriate for formal occasions and underwear should not be exposed.
And women civil servants should also cut down on the amount of jewellery they wear, according to the regulations.
Apart from regulations on clothes, a number of others in such fields as language required in daily conversations are also set out.
The new regulation is now being drafted and circulated among officials for comments and is expected to come into effect soon, according to shen weiguang, party secretary of the archives administration of zhejiang province.
Whether or not female civil servants should be allowed to wear sexy clothes has become a subject of heated debate.
Some people think the regulations are important as they think that civil servants should be dignified and tasteful, while others think women officials have the freedom to choose what they wear.
Chen, 27, who works in a government department in hangzhou, said clothing was a sign of individuality and should not be restricted.
But experts suggest clothes should fit in with certain occasions and as representatives of the government, civil servants should be suitably dressed.
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